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In line with Sustainable Development Goal number four CEMREST is working round the clock to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

In CEMREST we strive for  lifelong learning opportunities for all, from early childhood to adult education and equity, inclusion and gender equality; Ensuring effective learning and the acquisition of relevant knowledge, skills and competencies relevance of learning, in terms of STEM Education, vocational and technical skills for decent work as well as for global citizenship in a plural and interconnected world.

 STEM Education for girls.

Science and technology are transforming the world at an unprecedented pace. From addressing global challenges like pandemics and climate change to driving innovation and sustainable development, the role of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has never been more crucial. The African continent holds a huge potential to transform its education sector and labour market through science, technology and innovation.

Although evidence shows that girls perform equally well as boys in math and science, their representation in STEM fields remains disproportionately low. Globally, women constitute only one-third of STEM graduates in higher education, a figure that drops to 25 percent or less in many African countries. This stark underrepresentation underscores systemic barriers that hinder girls’ participation and advancement in STEM disciplines.

At CEMREST we are putting the spotlight on  girls’ education in STEM where significant gender disparities persist in most Africa communities.

Programs & Process


STEM Mobile laboratory.

  • Mobile STEM Labs is our educational program devoted to ensuring all students have access to a quality Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education.

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  • We offer need-based education scholarship to girls


Teacher training

  • Equipping teachers in rural communities with the skills and resources to effectively teach STEM subjects.


Providing resources

  • We offer and donate  computers, science equipment, or other materials needed for quality STEM education.

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Mentorship programs

  •  Connecting students with STEM professionals who can provide guidance and inspiration.


STEM Events

  • We hold events to recognize and celebrate achieving students.



  • The boot camp helps students learn, connect and build new skills.

Need more information? contact us so we can clare the air.

Whether you have a question, want to explore a partnership opportunity, or simply wish to learn more about our work, our team is here to assist you

CEMREST follows an empowerment model that promotes capacity building, economic independence, and sustainable development.


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© 2024 all rights reserved, (CEMREST) Created by Billa Charlea Nde