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The backbone of CEMREST as an organization is the commitment to community empowerment to bridge the disparities between rural and urban areas. Globally, people in rural areas lack access to modern energy services, which affects productivity, educational and health services, exacerbating poverty, among other things. It is, therefore imperative that any development programmes undertaken in the country must involve the vast rural populace to maximize the impact of poverty.

CEMREST realizes this fact and has been collaborating and partnering with various donors’ agencies and International Non-Governmental Organizations and striving hard to drive change at the grassroots in various communities. The idea has been to build the capacities of rural communities and identify agents of change from those communities itself. We have empowered several Women, Youth and Children’s in various communities.

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CEMREST follows an empowerment model that promotes capacity building, economic independence, and sustainable development.


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© 2024 all rights reserved, (CEMREST) Created by Billa Charlea Nde