According to UNFCCC, “Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, social, or economic systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects or impacts.
It refers to changes in processes, practices, and structures to moderate potential damages or to benefit from opportunities associated with climate change. In simple terms, countries and communities need to develop adaptation solution and implement action to respond to the impacts of climate change that are already happening, as well as prepare for future impacts.”
CEMREST acknowledges the importance of both mitigation and adaptation and strategically selects to focus on adaptation due to her experience and existence at the grassroots level. This is in line with UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement where grassroots organizations and communities are encouraged to take lead in climate change response.
The Arid and Semi-Arid Lands Committee ( ASALs ) in Sub-Saharan Africa, Cameroon included, are recognized as having climates that are among the most variable in the world on seasonal and decadal time scales. Floods and droughts can occur in the same area within months of each other. These events can lead to famine and widespread disruption of socio-economic well-being.
Community Based Adaptation CBA
Community-based adaptation to climate change is a generally accepted concept which means community-led process based on communities’ priorities, needs, knowledge, and capacities, which should empower people to plan for and cope with the impacts of climate change.
Awareness Creation
- Making local communities understand what is happening to the climate.
- Localization of climate change concepts and terminologies.
- Making local communities identify the noticeable changes (Socio-economic, environmental, and political) in the locality.
- Identify local coping strategies to climate change.
- Research and Design best practices.
- Implement and evaluate best practices.
- Participation in multi-stakeholder climate change forums.
- Lobby County governments for funding of climate resilient initiatives.
- Documentation and sharing.
Key CBA Solutions Implemented by CEMREST
Rainwater Harvesting
- Sand dams and subsurface dams across seasonal streams.
- Roof water harvesting at household and institutional level.
- Earth pans and ponds.
- Road water harvesting into ponds, retention ditches and terraces.
- Reseeding of grasses especially Vetiver systems.
- Tree nurseries and planting of trees.
Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA):
- Conservation Agriculture
- Ecological farming
- Drought resilient varieties like green grams, pigeon pea, cow pea and sorghum.
Household Nutrition:
- Kitchen gardens for vegatables utilizing waste water
- Short duration fruit trees like passion fruits, papaya and berries.